We are all aware of Webflow’s endless possibilities for web design, but did you know Webflow doubles as the perfect blogging platform?

Webflow was created to make web design accessible to the huge population not very well acquainted with coding. Since this population contains many talented and creative individuals, Webflow opened up new avenues for these people to express themselves using blogs created and thriving on Webflow. 

With incredible user-friendliness and a great spectrum of options, you can start promoting your brand using a brand blog made on Webflow. Webflow is popular among bloggers from all niches worldwide and is versatile enough to accommodate your brand’s profile and imagery.

This article will discuss what you should know about blog Webflow. So let’s start!

Why Should You Create a Blog on Webflow? 

For Webflow bloggers, it is a safe bet that your topmost competitors are running business blogs with the same design tools you will have at your disposal. If anything, you might even have a certain edge over them if their blog was created with more limitations in the designer’s mind or if their blog is more resource-intensive towards user devices because it runs on a different framework than one of the many delightful templates offered by Webflow. 

  1. Easy to Get Started 

Like any creative process, most people find the first few steps of blogging to be slow and challenging. Blazing through this initial lag remains largely a matter of luck, but having certain resources and tools can ensure your pace is not bogged down any more than is inevitable. 

Webflow is praised and recommended as an ideal launch pad for ambitious bloggers due to the variety of tools and templates it offers. If you choose Webflow as the first step for your blog’s journey, the beginner-friendly environment will likely boost your pace right off the starting point.

  1. An Intuitive CMS

Unless they are pre-equipped with extensive programming knowledge, any blogger will need a CMS or Content Management System to design a consistently high-quality blog. Dedicated blogging services have content management systems that maximize beginner-friendliness but allow only limited customization as a trade-off. 

While the customization offered by these platforms might be sufficient for many, a perfectly balanced option is also available. Webflow is the best CMS, built to accommodate both the designer’s ease as well as their creative freedom. So regardless of whether you possess skill and prowess in coding and design, Webflow is guaranteed to get your creativity flowing in the right direction, with no trade-offs!

  1. SEO Friendly

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a need in all modern content creation projects. Webflow understands this need better than most other blogging platforms. On top of all the tools from your standard SEO arsenal, Webflow can intelligently auto-generate meta titles, descriptions, and Open Graph (OG) settings based on the content you create and add to your website or blog. 

HTML alt tags are also automatically attached to any images you upload to your website or blog, which helps search engines pick up visual content on your blog when someone searches using image search or relevant text search strings.

How to Create a Blog with Webflow? 

Once you are done signing up on the Webflow website, you will be led to the design suite. Stick to the following steps, but make sure to take the learning experience slow and at your own pace.

  1. Choose a Webflow CMS Template

Webflow design starts with a range of templates you can choose from. Since this is your first time on the design suite, it's okay to go back and forth with as many templates as you like until you find one that you are sure you want to stick to.

Webflow CMS template selection

If you are worried you might be taking too long to choose or that you will never be able to pick one template out of the frankly overwhelming number, here are some pointers to give to your brain and make the template selection process easier:

  • Layout and Design 

Is the design close to what you want your blog to look like? Is there enough customization to make it look exactly the way you want? Is there an easy way to flip through colors and fonts? Does the template have premade layouts, or will you have to create your own? 

  • Features

Right off the bat, what features does the template include? Check if it allows RSS feeding and social media integration.

  • Easy Installation 

Is the installation process straightforward? Will you need help from a third-party provider like Webflow's support team or the community of fellow Webflow users?

  1. Customize Your Template 

Now that you have picked a template, it is time to turn it into your product rather than a pre-made set of designs.

Customizing the template to your desire in Webflow

You will be seeing several customization tools on your screen right now, which are described as follows:

  • The Typography

Since the human brain is naturally wired to be drawn to information, whether in the form of text or imagery, how your blog communicates with the user is almost equally as important as what your blog is communicating. 

Hence, typography is a major component of design, and it plays a significant role as your design comes together to produce a certain feeling in users' minds. Webflow has plenty of fonts and text customization options to choose from. Make sure the typography is good and consistent with the aesthetic of the blog as a whole.

  • Images to be Added

Minimalist designs have recently climbed trend totems and are popular with younger audiences. Therefore, you should use the sparingly in your blog design. 

  • Experiment with Elements

Tweak these until you land on a design you can immediately love. Check out the Webflow showcase created by professional designers for inspiration to manipulate elements into the perfect blogging aesthetic.

  1. Collection Customization

Webflow calls their content types "Collections." To create your Collection, update the Category collection to whatever applies to your blog. When you post in the future, you will get to choose what collection any post belongs in.

Customizing CMS collection in Webflow
  1. Start Posting 

The big moment is finally here. There are two things to remember when publishing content on your flashy new Webflow blog:

  • Before publishing, update the content within the Designer. This ensures no one, but you get to see the sample content you designed.
  • Apply all the SEO before publishing. Making a checklist can help with this step in case you are prone to forgetting things in moments of excitement. 
Creating & publishing a blog post on Webflow

Previews are a standard feature of any good CMS. No matter how eager you are to see your content published in front of the world, use this stage to look at every small detail of your design before publishing.

Best Practices To Effectively Grow Your Blog Using Webflow

We hope you still have your thinking cap because strategizing never ends in a blogger’s life! Here are some tips that will help your blog take off and stay up.

  1. Decide Your Blog Categories Early on,

Create a rough list of your blog categories and choose a Webflow showcase accordingly.

As any content creation expert will tell you, this is an easy way to keep your blog easy for readers to navigate even as your content grows in magnitude. It may feel like you are limiting yourself down the road, but any major changes usually translate into losing long-term readers.

  1. SEO Each Blog Post

If your content is error-free, modern, and unique, search engines will surely lead web surfers to your doorstep. Keywords translate into more website visitors and potentially more sales. Avoid overuse, so your content still looks organic.

Any image content on your blog needs to be search engine optimized. Modern search engines pick up images separately from text content, which means a well-captioned image can help you get on top of the competition, who are likely to focus on text content SEO.

  1. Promote Your Blog Posts on Multiple Channels

Market your new Webflow blog on as many outlets as you can access. However, it is important to avoid spam to keep your promotion effort interesting. Some popular options for blog promotion platforms are:

  • Social media handles like Facebook. Twitter and Instagram
  • Medium: the perfect daughter-blog
  • Reach out to influential people with content you think they’ll be interested in
  • Share your content with friends and family
  1. Update Your Blog Content Across Channels

For blogs that are published on a regular schedule, it's important to post new content at least once per week. Aim for two or three posts per month if your blog is more sporadic in its posting schedule.

Frequency is not key, but remember to keep your blog afloat. One post every week (or two weeks, max) is considered the sweet spot. Never give in to the urge to post recklessly and compromise on quality. Nor let a lack of interactions drag your confidence down to total silence and a dead blog.

A smarter tactic is to keep up appearances using content smaller than blog posts but big enough to be noticed by your audience, such as micro-posting on your social media.

The Best Webflow Blog Templates 

As design enthusiasts, we have our favorite Webflow templates. Let’s review them.

  1. The Unletro Template
Unletro template
Source: Unletro template

Smooth. Ultramodern. Minimalistic, yet interactive. There is simply no going wrong with the Unletro template. 

  1. The Press Template
The Press Template‍
Source: The Press Template

Press template is the way to go if you want to manage lots of content featuring images easily.

  1. The Write Template
The Write Template
Source: The Write Template 

Write's image-first design approach makes it ideal for lifestyle bloggers. All your categories are showcased on the top, facilitating navigation for everyone visiting your blog.

  1. The Inc template
The Inc. Template ‍
Source: The Inc. Template 

Inc template pulls off the perfect balance of static and dynamic design: on the left is a featured post accompanying you as you scroll up and down on the right half of your screen.

The Best Webflow Blog Examples

When it comes to Webflow blogs, we have our favorites there too! Scroll down to see who won our hearts with their designs and content.


Source: YourStory 

The YourStory blog is an Indian business and tech news site that incorporates ads into its design with consistency and seamlessness on par with many global-scale news websites and corporations.

Team Building Kits

Team Building Kits
Source: Team Building Kits

Founded by the creators of Hunt A Killer, Team Building Kits produces a unique form of content: team-building exercises in a kit that businesses can use as employee training sessions.

Periscope Data

Periscope Data
Source: Periscope Data

The centerpiece of Periscope Data’s blog is one of their posts in incredibly loud typography. Content categories are placed above the featured post.

Check 128.digital Webflow Blog Templates For Your Blog!

Despite having been around for about two decades, blogging refuses to lose any of its appeals. This is in part because, much like writing, music, or film, blogging is just another medium that places no limits on what information can be shared. With blogging becoming easier every day as platforms like Webflow becomes available, it is high time for you to join the ever-growing population of bloggers. 

Get yourself and your business its voice by setting up your own Webflow blog today! 128. Digital brings you our very own curated collection of super loveable Webflow templates!

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