Webflow is a powerful tool for creating responsive, pixel-perfect websites in minutes. Unlike other tools that offer templates and graphics, Webflow's UI enables you to create your website design using the drag-and-drop interface. 

That said, it's been designed with SEO in mind and packed with valuable tools, best practices, and techniques to build the perfect website.

What is SEO?

SEO, or search engine optimization, is improving your website’s ranking for search engines.

SEO aims to fill any of a website's deficiencies to make that site more visible and attractive to search engines. The goal is usually twofold: attract more visitors, and improve the site's conversion rate (the percentage of visitors who take the desired action, such as making a purchase). 

There are many different techniques used in SEO, all with the ultimate goal of improving SERP visibility. These include on-page optimization (such as keyword research and optimizing title tags and meta descriptions), off-page optimization (building backlinks), and technical SEO (which encompasses things like site speed and structured data).

You can search for Webflow SEO vs WordPress information to see which platform is best for SEO.

Why does search engine optimization matter?

SEO can help your website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), giving you more visibility and traffic. Secondly, SEO can help you improve the user experience on your website by making it easier to navigate and find information. 

Finally, SEO can also help you improve your brand awareness and reputation online.

WordPress to webflow SEO, most website builders are designed with SEO in mind. 

On-page SEO for beginners.

On-page SEO is optimizing your website’s content and structure to make it as easy for search engines to crawl and index your site.

You can do several things to optimize your site for SEO, but if you’re just getting started, these on-page SEO tips will help you get started on the right foot:

Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions.

Make sure each page on your site has a unique, keyword-rich title tag and meta description. These are the first things that search engines will look at when they crawl your site, so it’s important to ensure they’re optimized for your target keywords.

Structure your URLs for SEO.

Your website’s URL structure can also help or hinder your SEO efforts. For example, using long, descriptive URLs with keywords can help search engines understand what each page is about and how it’s relevant to a user’s query.

On the other hand, using short, generic URLs can make it more difficult for search engines to understand your content and may even hurt your rankings.

Optimize your images for SEO.

In addition to text, images are also an important part of on-page optimization. Include relevant keywords while writing the alt titles for the images so the search engines can read and classify them correctly.

Off-page SEO for beginners

Off-page SEO for beginners can be a little challenging, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some of the things you can do:

Using the right elements 

This means using the right keywords, providing quality content, and having a good link structure.

Social Media Promotion

Ensure that your content marketing strategy covers the social media accounts so you can promote your content across all channels.

High-Quality Backlinks

Build high-quality backlinks to your website. This will improve your search engine ranking and help bring more traffic to your site.

Monitor Progress

Monitoring progress is extremely important as it ensures you're on the right track and progressing toward your goals.

How do I add SEO keywords to Webflow?

You will need to use a keyword research tool to do keyword research. Many different keyword research tools are available, but we recommend using the Google Keyword Planner.

To use the Google Keyword Planner, go to Google AdWords and sign up for an account. Once you have an account, you can access the Keyword Planner by clicking on the Tools tab and selecting Keyword Planner from the drop-down menu.

Once in the Keyword Planner, you can either enter a seed keyword to get ideas for other keywords or a URL for keywords relevant to that particular website.

If you're just starting with keyword research, we recommend getting ideas for keywords by entering in a seed keyword. Simply enter your seed keyword into the "Your product or service" field and click on the "Get Ideas" button.

You will then be presented with a list of suggested keywords. You can use this list as a starting point for further research or as a source of ideas for new keywords to target.

How does Webflow implement SEO?

To disable indexing on your Webflow project, head to the Webflow Dashboard > All Projects. Select the project to edit and select webflow SEO Settings > SEO > Indexing. It doesn't matter if the Disable Webflow Indexing button is already disabled—you'll need to turn it off. Doing this lets search engines (like Google and Bing) look through your site and rank it accordingly.

SEO and Webflow: Is Webflow good for SEO?

Webflow is a powerful website builder that makes creating and publishing custom websites easy. The platform was designed with SEO in mind, so you can rest assured your site will be optimized for search engines.

Webflow's drag-and-drop interface makes creating custom pages and content blocks easy. You can also add meta tags, title tags, and other Webflow SEO elements to your pages to ensure they are properly optimized for search engines.

Webflow also offers a free SEO analysis tool to help you identify areas where you could improve your site. This tool will provide you with specific recommendations on optimizing your site for better search engine visibility.

If you want to improve your SEO skills, search for the Webflow SEO course at Webflow University

Webflow’s Integration with SEO Tools

Webflow integrates with several different SEO tools, including Google Analytics. This allows you to track your website’s traffic and performance and make changes to your website that will improve your ranking in search engines.

One of the most important aspects of Webflow’s integration with SEO tools is the ability to connect your website to Google Analytics. This information can be invaluable in understanding how people find and use your website.

Another important aspect of Webflow’s integration with SEO tools is the ability to connect your website to Google Search Console. Google Search Console is a free service that allows you to submit your website to Google for indexing and also provides information on how your website appears in search results. You can use this information to improve your ranking in search results.

Helpful Tips for Optimizing Your Webflow website for SEO 

Assuming you have a Webflow site (or are considering using Webflow to build your website), there are some things you can do to optimize your site for search engines. 

  1. Design responsively

Designing responsively means creating a website that looks and works great on any device, from a small mobile phone to a large desktop monitor.

Responsive design is essential for good SEO because search engines favor mobile-friendly websites. In addition, a responsive design makes it easier for users to find the information they need on your website, which can lead to higher conversion rates.

There are many factors to consider when designing a responsive website, including layout, navigation, content, and images. But with a little planning and creativity, you can create a beautiful and functional responsive website to help your business succeed online.

  1. Research keywords and write “SERP-in” content.

Before optimizing your site for search engines, you need to understand what keywords people search for. To do that, you can use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest.

Google's suggestions are perfect for creating blog topic ideas.
Google's suggestions are perfect for creating blog topic ideas.

Once you’ve identified some relevant keywords, it’s time to start writing content that includes them. But beware, stuffing your content with too many keywords will reduce your chances of ranking high in search results. Instead, focus on writing “SERP-in” content – content designed to appear high in search engine results pages.

Some tips for writing SERP-in content:

  • Use your target keyword(s) in the title and throughout the body of your article
  • Make sure your article is well-written and informative; don’t sacrifice quality for the sake of cramming in keywords
  • Include images, videos, or infographics; these can help your article rank higher in search results
  1. Put your most important pages up top.

When it comes to ranking your website in search engines, one of the most important factors is the structure of your website. You want to ensure that your most important pages are easy for users and search engines to find.

One way to do this is to put your most important pages "up top." Doing so makes it easy for users and search engines to find and navigate your most important pages.

Keep the following in mind:

  • Make sure your home page links to your most important pages.
  • Use clear, descriptive titles for your pages. This will help users (and search engines) understand each page and find the right page they're looking for.
  • Use keyword-rich URLs for your pages.
  1. Subdomain responsibly

When it comes to creating a subdomain, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to ensure you're doing it responsibly. First and foremost, you need to be aware of the potential SEO implications of your subdomain. 

There are a few different ways to go about creating a subdomain. You can either create a completely new domain or a subdirectory off of an existing domain. If you create a new domain, register it with a reputable registrar and host it on a reliable server.

As far as the actual content of your subdomain, be sure to focus on quality over quantity. A well-written and informative article is worth more than a dozen low-quality ones. Also, promote your subdomain on social media and other websites to help drive traffic to it.

  1. Optimize your URLs, meta titles, and descriptions.

Your URLs, meta titles, and descriptions are all important elements of your website that can impact your SEO. 

Here are some tips to optimize each:


  • Keep your URLs short and descriptive
  • Use keyword-rich URLs whenever possible
  • Avoid using special characters.

Meta titles:

  • Write unique and descriptive meta titles for each page on your site
  • Include one or two keywords in your meta titles
  • Keep your meta titles under 60 characters long


  • Write compelling and interesting descriptions for each page on your site
  • Include one or two keywords in your descriptions - Keep your descriptions under 160 characters long.
Webflow - SEO Settings
Source: Webflow
  1. 301 redirect for the win

Using a 301 redirect; you can ensure that search engines index your new site correctly and that any inbound links pointing to your old site are redirected to your new site.

When you use a 301 redirect, all traffic from the old URL is redirected to the new URL. This is the best way to ensure that search engines and visitors can find your new site.

Two ways to set up a 301 redirect are through your Webflow account or your hosting provider. If you're using Webflow, you can add a 301 redirect by going to Settings > Redirects in your project settings. You'll need to add the redirect through your hosting control panel if you're using another host.

Once you've added the 301 redirects, test it out to ensure it's working properly. You can enter the old URL into your browser's address bar and ensure it correctly redirects you to the new URL.

If you're not using Webflow, consider adding a 301 redirect for your new site. It's the best way to ensure that search engines and visitors can find your new site.

  1. Work that (auto-generated) sitemap

A sitemap is a file that tells search engines about the structure of your website. It's a great way to improve your SEO because it helps search engines understand your site and find your content.

The best way to create a sitemap is to use a tool like XML-Sitemaps.com. This tool will automatically generate a sitemap based on your website's structure. Enter the URL and click on "Generate Sitemap."

Once you have your sitemap, you can upload it to your Webflow project by going to Settings > SEO > Sitemaps and adding the URL of your sitemap.xml file.

  1. Build a helpful 404 page.

It's inevitable that, at some point, someone will land on a broken link on your site. When this happens, you want to ensure that your 404 page is helpful and user-friendly.

You should first ensure that your 404 page is branded with your website's logo and colors. This will help the user to know they're still on your site even though they've landed on a broken link.

Next, you should add a brief message explaining what happened and apologizing for the inconvenience. You can also include a search bar so users can easily find what they're looking for.

Finally, you should include links to your most popular pages so users can easily navigate where they want to go. 

  1. Alt tag all the things

Alt tags are a key part of image optimization and can help your website rank higher in search engine results.

While some web platforms make adding alt tags to your images easy, others do not. If you're using Webflow, there's no need to worry - simply select the "Add alt text" option when adding an image to your project. This will ensure that all of your images are properly optimized for SEO.

Google Search Engine
Source: Google Search Engine

In addition to adding alt tags, also be sure to include keywords in your image file names and titles.

  1.  Disable indexing of your webflow.io subdomain.

If you want to improve your webflow website SEO, you should disable indexing of your Webflow subdomain. You can do this in your Webflow settings. Go to your settings, click the "Disable indexing" checkbox, and save your changes.

By disabling indexing, you're telling Google not to index any pages on your Webflow subdomain. This is important because you don't want Google to think your Webflow site duplicates your main website.

Disable indexing your webflow.io sites in Site Settings
Disable indexing your webflow.io sites in Site Settings
  1. Set up your Google Analytics!

Google Analytics helps track your website’s traffic. By understanding how people find and use your site, you can make changes to improve your ranking in search engines and attract more visitors.

Google Analytics is free to use and easy to set up. Just create a Google account and add the code to your site. Once you have Google Analytics installed, you can start tracking your traffic.

Go to the Acquisition tab in Google Analytics to see how people find your site. 

Here, you’ll see where your traffic is coming from, such as organic search or social media. Seek Webflow SEO help if you are confused about the Webflow SEO checklist. 

  1.  Getting organic visitors to your blog

Organic traffic is the lifeblood of any blog. With it, your blog will gain traction and grow. There are several ways to drive organic visitors to your blog posts

Here are a few tips:

  • Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions: Ensure your titles and descriptions include the keywords you want to rank for. This will help your blog posts appear in search results when people search for those keywords.
  • Promote your content on social media: Share your blog posts on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. This will help get the word out about your content and increase traffic.
  • Guest post on other blogs: A great way to get your blog exposure is to post on other popular blogs in your niche. This will allow you to showcase your writing skills and reach a new audience.
  • Comment on other blogs: Another great way to get exposure for your blog is to leave thoughtful comments on other popular blog posts. This will help you build relationships with other bloggers and get more people interested in what you say.
  • Participate in online forums: Many online forums are dedicated to various topics. Find some that are relevant to your niche and participate in the discussions. Include a link to your blog in your signature so people can easily find it if they're interested in what you have to say.

Empower your business with a website built for SEO! 

If you're new to Webflow, this SEO list is a great place to start. By following these tips, you can ensure your site is well-optimized and have a good chance of ranking high in search engine results pages. SEO is an ongoing process; there's more to learn, but this list will give you a solid foundation for website development. 

128. Digital can help you with growth, design, and engagement. We’re the design, development, and advertising rockstars you need to take your business to the next level. Get started today and see how far your site can go! 

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