
1. Information we collect

Upon registering an account on our website, we may gather specific personal details, including your name, email address, and any additional information you furnish during the registration phase. Such information is essential for establishing accounts and identifying users.

2. Our Utilization of Your Information

2.1 We utilize your personal information to administer your account, grant access to our Webflow Templates, and correspond with you regarding your account status and any updates.

2.2Your information may be utilized to address your inquiries, furnish technical support, and aid you with any challenges you may encounter during 128 Club usage.

2.3 Subject to your explicit consent, we may send you marketing communications concerning our products, services, promotions, and pertinent updates. You have the option to unsubscribe from these communications at any time.

3. Data Security

We employ security measures in line with industry standards to safeguard your personal information against unauthorized access. Nonetheless, it's advisable to take precautionary steps to protect your information.

4. Cookies

We utilize cookies and similar tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience, monitor website usage, and gather analytics data.

5. Third-Party Service Providers

We might disclose your personal information to reliable third-party service providers who aid us in delivering our services and enhancing website functionality. These providers are contractually obligated to maintain confidentiality and are prohibited from utilizing your information for any other purposes.